Sunday, February 14, 2010

What is life

What is life?... Sitting in the front of a computer and thinking if I could do anything wrong... yup sure ;-)

I mean seriously... We all have a question "Why are we here?" and believe me or not.. as simple as it sounds it is one of the most difficult question we all have to answer...

When we were all children... Life was when we would wake up and cry about going to school... Or doing all the naughty stuff when the teacher is writing something on the board... Then Ahh... there is recess so we can pull out our tiffins and munch everything up as if was our last meal... then the last bell for the day... rush to our homes... in the evening maybe go out and play... have dinner and sleep... and go where dreams happen... And now... We mostly know what we are going to do... We wake up and go to office (a few times not so enthusiastically)... We keep craking jokes inbetween... Try to keep the volume low when the superiors are around... Ahh.. the dinner or snacks break... But well bring them to the desk and eat as you reply to a mail... then some time of the day we go home... rush back to loneliness or to your family... and sleep... and go where dreams happen...

Sometimes I wonder... If i we are grown ups... Are we? Are we all always in a school called Life and apparently the teacher too is Life... ha... And the irony is that We are nothing else but Life... Now I understand the meaning of the Zen quote "When the Student is ready, the Master will appear by himself"...

I read "Short History of Almost Everything" by Bill Bryson... I would refer everyone to read it... Would actually have it as a must in schools.... It although did not answer what Life is but it did say... and that is there is no great reason... All Life wants is to just happen... Just go along with it and more often that not it will take care of itself... Experiencing life as it happens... and sometimes being the reason for it to happen...

As I stand back and see my childhood and on the first phase of adulthood... I belive therein lies the difference... Experiencing and Analysing...

So my Dear Sir Life... Here at 2:39 a.m. sitting in front of this Computer... I vow to you... to take everything as it comes... to experience joy as is and do not wonder if it would stay... to take in sorrow as is and do not wonder how long it would stay... So.. Here I am all about to begin a journey with more zest and some refreshened attitude... Yes... rediscovering myself would be more fun this way... Yes... I might never find the answer to "What is life" but atleast I can ensure that the Search was more fun...

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