Saturday, February 20, 2010

Movies to make before I die - List 2

2. GREAT LITTLE WARRIOR: This is my first real movie so to speak... Yes... And there is no way I going to allow anyone else to play the protagonist in the movie but me... The story and character, the dream and it's pain, So close to my heart... Now to speak on a more general basis, I have seen so many movies on sports... I watch it with a little pain on my chest as it always reminds me of this age-old dream of mine of wanting to be a cricketer... I know I am not the most talented or anything... But still... That is where the heart is... I know I will be strugling for my livelihood... But if that was it, then so be it... Who am I, Who are we to say or judge "success"... And to express my view on sports movies again, there are all these real inspirational movies... Where it always predictably ends with an inspirational moment of joy... But I have to reiterate, those moments are real... But not the entire truth... Certainly, not the truth for the major portion of the people involved in the fields... Really, life for most of us is nothing but a few moments of joy... fewer moments of success... relatively more moments of missed opportunities.... There are a few laughs here and there... relatively more tears... and a lot of toil, hard work, frustration...

So here we have this young 18 year old kid... who leaves home to pursue his dream of being a cricketer... Slightly worldly-wise yet a lot naive... and the movie shows the journey of this guy... His moments of frustration... Hard work... missed opportunities... a few moments of joy and success... but never hits the big league... and there will be no picture perfect scene... or amazing background music... no inspirational/hopeful ending... just as our lives... THE END.

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