Friday, February 17, 2012

Mahabharata/Jaya - Peace Talks 1

"Be happy as you are." Thus spoke Sanjaya to Emperor Yudhisthira and the other kings and warriors present in the court of Upaplavya. If there was any doubt over King Dhritharashtra's complicity with Duryodhana, it was all removed by this message.

Emperor Yudhisthira, his brothers and all his supporters were now in Upaplavya (city of the Matsya kingdom). They were deciding the next course of action. Almost all were ready to do battle. But then Emperor Yudhisthira and Krishna did not want to go for a war right away. They opined that a peace messenger should be sent to the court of Hastinapura to gently ask for the Pandavas' portion of the land. Bhima was not very happy with this suggestion but then Krishna stated, "War cannot be fought to finish off your enemies. War should be fought only when there is adharma (chaos, evil, violence) prevailing and all the peaceful measures have been exhausted. A war cannot be fought just so that you finish your vows. Peace is more important that you succeeding in your vows." I will give a very modern example of how a great leader avoided the third world war by using all the means of diplomacy within the next 2 blogs.

It was decided that the royal priest would be sent to Hastinapura for delivering the message of Emperor Yudhistira.

In the court of Hastinapura, the royal priest states to King Dhritharashtra, "Emperor Yudhistira has sent his respects to all the elders here and lots of love to his younger brothers. If Grandsire Bhishma or Guru Drona or Vidur states that the Pandavas had not finished the term of exile as demandeed, then they are ready to go back and resume the next set of 13 year exile as was the condition. But if not, then please return to them their kingdom. Emperor Yudhistira does not want war and is hoping peace and justice will prevail". Listening to this Prince Duryodhana rejects this offer. Bhishma reprimands Duryodhana to treat the messenger with respect. To this the royal priest states, "You don't get manners through lineage". Karna is angry on Duryodhana's insult. Karna supports Duryodhana and tells the priest to inform the Pandavas to get ready for a war.

At the end, King Dhritharashtra sends away the royal priest saying, "I need some time to think. We will send our message through a messenger".

All the elders request King Dhritharashtra to give back the land to Pandavas. But he does not agree.

He calls Sanjaya, his loyal servant and charioteer, to his room. He instructs Sanjaya on the message which needs to be delivered.

Sanjaya travels to Upaplavya and delivers the following message, "King Dhritharashtra sends his love to his sons. He pays his respect to King Drupada. His message to his eldest son Yudhistira is here - Be happy as you and where you are. You are a very peaceful person. I am sure you will be able to understand that there is nothing to be gained from this material world. If there is war, then it will only result in the destruction of the family line. You just stay where you are and live your life. I am sure you will be able to convince your brothers to follow peace."

Emperor Yudhistira and all the others present were red with anger. But still Emperor Yudhistira did not desire war. He called Krishna for his guidance. 

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