Friday, February 17, 2012

Mahabharata/Jaya - Abhimanyu's wedding

"With Brihanalla around, there was no way Prince Uttar could have lost". Thus spoke Kanka to King Virata who was exalted on hearing Prince Uttar's victory over the Kuru army.

As the news of Prince Uttar's victory reached the King who had just returned from fighting with the Trigartas. The King was elated and wanted to celebrate and decorate the city. During these conversations, Kanka reminded Brihanalla's presence and impact thrice by stating the above  mentioned words. The first 2 times the King ignores his statement but then the third time he throws a dice at Kanka injuring his mouth. At that time, Sairandhri attends to Kanka. Simultaneously, it is announced the Prince Uttara has reached the palace. Kanka slowly indicated to Sairandhri to ensure that Brihanalla does not enter the room. It is becuase Brihanalla (Arjun) will not be able to control himself if he sees a bleeding Yuddhistira and he might kill King Virata. This episode is in someways a good reminder to us that people might not always be ready to hear the truth. Also, Yuddhistira should have empathised with a fathers joy over his son's success rather than blatantly speaking the truth. Also, one should not be blind to the truth due to love as shown here by King Virata. 

The next day the Pandavas adorn theier Kshatriya clothes and present themselves to the court. Emperor Yudhistira as was his position, seats himself in the royal throne. King Virata is first angry at this sight but then Prince Uttara enters to disclose the identity of the Pandavas. Emperor Yuddhistira leads King Virata to the throne. King Virata is overcome with gratitude to know that his servants were the famed Pandavas who also helped them in winning 2 wars. He extends his daughter's hand in marriage to Arjuna.

Arjuna states, "Uttara is my student and I am her master. I cannot breach this relationship by marrying her. My son Abhimanyu is a skilled warrior himself and now entering the age of marriage. If you are fine, I would like to have her as my daughter-in-law." King Virata happily agreed to this.

After so many years the Pandavas got a reason to celebrate and be joyous. The news of this wedding reached Hastinapura. Did the Pandavas invite their relatives for the wedding, I am not sure but no one attended it. 

Vidura advised King Dhritharashtra to command Duryodhana to give back the Pandavas' portion of the kingdom. Out of love and his own ambitions, King Dhritharashta does not agree. 

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